These pictures inspire me.
First of all, the art is beautiful.
Second, Daniel's peace in the face of such a terrible fate amazes me! In the first picture he is calmly standing, firmly, in front of the hungry lions. Yet, he doesn't seem to falter. He is trusting God.
The second picture, the lions are pacing all around him, seemingly ready to pounce, and Daniel doesn't even pay them any mind. He just looks up to God, with serene countenance.
We've all heard this story so many times, it often ceases to be interesting. But Daniel's faith and trust should be something we always remember. He didn't know he wasn't going to be saved, the lions could have eaten him. Many wonderful, godly Christians were killed for their faith. Daniel could have been one of them. Even still, in the face of danger and pain, he was surrendered to his Lord. Whatever happened, he knew that God was in control.
This pictures make me wonder, what are my "lions"? Probably not fatal, but things like: mean "friends", major decisions, a broken heart etc. And, as I stare those lions in the face, am I surrendering the outcome to Christ?
You are right, I hadn't noticed that about Daniel in those paintings!
I love paintings too. God is so great how He has made each of us so differently and yet He, the Creator is willing to give us different ways to recognize Godly principles.
So true! If we would look to God instead of focusing on our "lions," they wouldn't seem so scary or difficult. I love these.
Also, for some reason I was watching a tattoo show on TLC and this guy got that top picture across his entire back. It actually looked really good!
Good post!
I love how God uses beauty in art (and other things) to reveal things to us.
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